第1集:和succubi doris做爱 - 在九点开张 (Open At Nine)
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我们的英雄,有信心他会因声称战胜魔神而受到奖励,带着厚望接近亚伯九世国王。然而,当他意识到混乱实际上是他所做的时,他的胜利很快变成了沮丧。英雄没有奖励,而是发现自己负债累累的王国承担了所有的重建费用。为了偿还债务,阿贝尔九世国王委托他经营一家妓院,指派多丽丝,一个熟练和诱人的屈服者作为他的导师。 第二天晚上,多丽丝开始指导英雄管理一个成功的妓院的来龙去户。他们主持了一次软启动,让他熟悉业务,令他们惊讶的是,这是一个打击。多丽丝对他们的初步成功很满意,带领英雄到他的房间休息,但忠于她作为一个屈服者的自然,她还有其他计划。勾引英雄,她沉迷于她的渴望,当天晚上他们做了激情的爱。Doris带着淘气的微笑,清楚地表明,让企业真正蓬勃发展,
Video Transcription
Hey guys, what's going on? Andre here. Welcome back to another gameplay of Open at 9.
And in tonight's video, we're going to start a new game. Well, you already guessed it. It's
Open at 9. And before we start and clicking that new game, let's just go to the settings.
As you guys can see what you guys can see right off the bat. So you guys can see here,
they're very straightforward. There's nothing much here except for the volume and the full screen,